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Easy learning strategies for struggling students

Easy learning strategies for struggling students

Every student has a unique study style. Just like every institute ERP has different approaches towards education, students develop their own with of learning. Some of them would rather struggle with it because they have not yet found the correct way of memorizing things and remembering them. This is why teachers are ever ready with their means and equipped with the tools to help children in whatever way possible.

It has been found that since students of the present generation are more comfortable with digital means, using software for school management is the best way of carrying on learning. That was the most convenient strategy that every institute ERP had adopted during the pandemic, and decided to continue with it even though the cases had dropped down because of the benefits it provides. Besides this, various things help students overcome their challenges of learning. Here are a few that both teachers and students can apply when struggling with learning problems;


Teaching instruction segregation

Because every student has a unique study style and pattern, teachers cannot expect the same teaching method to be useful for every student present in a class. Segregation of teaching methods and instructions is important. This does not discriminate against students who are slow learners and ensures that every child is getting the attention required.

The easiest way to do this is to hold classes in batches among groups of students who have a similar approach to learning. For example, suppose there are a group of students who need extra attention. In that case, they could request extra classes or the teacher can themselves understand their progress with the syllabus and allocate extra classes and welcome other students besides the compulsory ones so that they can revise too. It is not a practice that benefits only students, teachers can also progress in their teaching methods by practicing and experiencing all the different forms.

Visit Here, MP Board 12th Blueprint 2023

Learning tools like chaining and chunking

These are learning patterns that are taught by teachers in a classroom but could be used outside the classroom environment by every student. When slow learners are trying to master any particular subject or topic, they can apply a mental pattern of learning which is known as the chunk. This chunk is a major topic, and it is made up of smaller topics that are in a chain form or chronological order. It is almost like mind mapping.

It helps slow learners because students are no longer viewing a topic as a time-consuming subject that will take hours to complete. Instead, they are taking small chunks out of the topic and learning these. At the end of the day, if they come down the step-by-step learning procedure, and create the chain of events, they can revise the entire topic as a chunk once again. Before they realize it, they are already fluent in this portion of the syllabus. Certainly, teacher guidance is important in mastering training and chunking of information. Students can use audio and visual tools which are also effective for learning along with the mental pattern of learning.

Multisensory instructions

students should learn to use all of their sense organs while learning. Especially elementary school students. For example, when trying to understand a topic, they can read it out loud, Draw Something to relate to the data and practically imagine how the topic makes sense. This way they get a proper grasp of the subject as a whole. When they use all of their senses to hear, see and feel about what they have just read they tend to remember it for longer durations.

Multisensory learning is an important teaching method for kindergarten teachers because younger students growing up need to use all their sense organs to simulate their brain functions. This simulation can also benefit students of all levels in improving their memory and learning pace.

Brain breaks

Slow learners need constant brain breaks because they easily get overwhelmed by the amount of information they read and learn about. Moreover, sitting down to study all day does not automatically result in having a productive life. Productivity involves balance in all spheres of life, including studying and an equal amount of relaxation and extracurricular activities. It helps them have a fresh outlook on life. Watching TV during a study session does not count as a brain break. Students need to feel relaxed and productive after having a brain break, they could try getting some fresh air outside or exercising and meditating.

Also Visit, MP Board Class 12th Blueprint 2023

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